Welcome to the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club entry point on the Web. We will be adding more information on club events along with some extra sections in the coming weeks and months so please visit often.
If you are interested in joining the club and would like to attend a meeting, the club meets on the first Monday of each month at the Forks Cafeteria - 339 Brooks St, Wake Forest, NC 27587 - Come eat at 6pm with the members and the meeting starts at 7pm and generally runs through to around 8pm.
The club is now using Groups.IO as the primary communication method and you are invited to join. Visit the link below and register an account to join.
AA4RV 444.950 mhz is the 70CM FM club repeater and is located near Rolesville, NC with a tone of 88.5. This repeater is also an open system and linked to the 147.315 repeater.
AA4RV 146.805 mhz is the secondary 2M club repeater and is located near Louisburg, NC with a tone of 118.8. This repeater is also an open system.
AA4RV 146.715 mhz is the third and latest addition to the 2M club repeaters with a tone of 88.5. This repeater is also an open system.
AA4RV 443.200 mhz is the club 70CM DMR repeater. This repeater is connected to the internet with BrandMeister TG314049 with Color Code 1 (CC1) and Time Slot 2 (TS2) are the settings with a +5Mhz offset.
Daryl Cash K4DCP holds a weekly HF net in the General Voice portion of 80m. Join Daryl and other local hams Tuesday night at 7:30 pm EST on or around 3.850 MHz +/- 5 kHz dependent on QRM.
If you are interested in joining the club and would like to attend a meeting, the club meets on the first Monday of each month at the Forks Cafeteria - 339 Brooks St, Wake Forest, NC 27587 - Come eat at 6pm with the members and the meeting starts at 7pm and generally runs through to around 8pm.
The club is now using Groups.IO as the primary communication method and you are invited to join. Visit the link below and register an account to join.
2M (FM) -- AA4RV - 147.315

70CM (FM) -- AA4RV - 444.950
2M (FM) -- AA4RV - 146.805
2M (FM) -- AA4RV - 146.715
70CM (DMR) -- AA4RV - 443.200
CC1 / TS2
BrandMeister TG 314049
AA4RV 147.315 mhz is the club's primary 2M Repeater and is located near Rolesville, NC. It is linked to the 444.950 Repeater. It is coordinated with SERA and uses the tone of 88.5. The AA4RV repeater is an open system, we invite all to use it, but ask that you follow good amateur practice while doing so!( + POSITIVE OFFSET) 88.5 TONE

70CM (FM) -- AA4RV - 444.950
2M (FM) -- AA4RV - 146.805
2M (FM) -- AA4RV - 146.715
70CM (DMR) -- AA4RV - 443.200
CC1 / TS2
BrandMeister TG 314049
AA4RV 444.950 mhz is the 70CM FM club repeater and is located near Rolesville, NC with a tone of 88.5. This repeater is also an open system and linked to the 147.315 repeater.
AA4RV 146.805 mhz is the secondary 2M club repeater and is located near Louisburg, NC with a tone of 118.8. This repeater is also an open system.
AA4RV 146.715 mhz is the third and latest addition to the 2M club repeaters with a tone of 88.5. This repeater is also an open system.
AA4RV 443.200 mhz is the club 70CM DMR repeater. This repeater is connected to the internet with BrandMeister TG314049 with Color Code 1 (CC1) and Time Slot 2 (TS2) are the settings with a +5Mhz offset.
6M Ragchew
In the evenings, join us around 8pm on 50.200 at night for a ragchew and the Saturday morning net at 8am.Weekly Club Nets on 2m and HF
The Franklin County Amateur Radio Club operates a weekly net Wednesday nights at 8pm on the 146.715 repeater. Net participants are welcomed to give a ragchew in addition to the week's discussion topic. All licensed radio amateurs are invited to check in.Daryl Cash K4DCP holds a weekly HF net in the General Voice portion of 80m. Join Daryl and other local hams Tuesday night at 7:30 pm EST on or around 3.850 MHz +/- 5 kHz dependent on QRM.
Useful Information and Links